Jay Koka ORIGINALS: 1987

Ferrari Mondial Study 1
Jay Koka, 40x30" (100x75cm), gouache/watercolor/ink on board Private Collection

Jay Koka: "The first Mondial painting was based on a visit to my first Ferrari Club of America Meet near Washington DC. The car is shown parked under the hotel's portico which results in that wonderful spider's web of design on the body and shadows on the paving brick.

This painting represents the height of photo-realism... a painting style which I initially embraced but soon grew tired of and eventually even came to dislike.

While on the one hand, I really like this painting which, I might add, became a wildly successful limited edition print, I wouldn't however do it today because I couldn't find a good enough reason to paint like this. None the less, almost twenty years later I think this is really well done and I am pleased it is part of my portfolio."

Ferrari 275GTB/4
Jay Koka, 1987, gouache on board, Private Collection


Ferrari F2 T500
Jay Koka, 1987, gouache on board, Private Collection


Canada at LeMans
Jay Koka, 1987, goache on board, Private Collection


Cadillac (circa 1987)
Jay Koka, gouache/watercolor on board, Private Collection


Street Rod
Jay Koka, gouache/watercolor on board, Don Francks Collection

Don Francks should need no introduction unless you've been away from the movies for the past 30 years or so. Don practices his craft on an international stage but makes his home in Toronto where he's equally at home on his Harley or in his Rolls. His credits could use up a whole other page so go to his site at www.donfrancks.com for the whole story.